Monday, August 31, 2015

Scenerios That Depicts He Is Only After Your Body

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Behaviors and actions don’t lie.

Words aren’t truth. When you pay attention to a guy’s behaviors and actions, you’ll quickly learn how he really feels about you. Your mind may try to rationalize his actions away or talk you into being OK with things. But, your body will speak the truth, you’ll feel like something just isn’t right.
For example, imagine these scenarios and notice how your body feels … these are clearly signs that he’s not truly into you:
He texts late at night and wants to meet up. You seem good for a booty call but nothing more.
You only have brief conversations or texts to decide what you’re going to do or where you’re going to meet up.
You spend most of your time together between the sheets.
He disappears between dates and you have no idea where he goes.
Even though you get along really well and have a great time, he still wants to keep his options open in case someone better comes along.
He keeps his life compartmentalized — he’s reluctant to introduce you to his family and friends (or you haven’t met them).
He makes himself a priority and you an afterthought.
He treats you poorly and blames you when things go wrong = he’s more into himself.
A guy who’s into you wants to spend his free time with you and know all of who you are. You’ll hear from him in between the times you see each other. He’ll eagerly introduce you to his friends and family. He’ll treat you with respect. He cares about your well-being. His words match his deeds, and his actions consistently communicate that you are a priority, that he’s excited to know you as a person.