Friday, August 21, 2015

Discovery: Giant Cars Drove On Earth Millions Of Years Ago – Russian Scientist

A leading Russian geologist recently made the bizarre claim that the mysterious groove like markings found in the Phrygian Valley of central Turkey were made by giant, pre-historic cars, millions of years ago.

Dr Alexander Koltypin, director of the Natural Science Scientific Research Centre at Moscow’s International Independent University of Ecology and Politology, made his statement after returning from a field trip to the site along with three of his colleagues. He revealed that the fields were completely covered in ruts that are millions of years old. “As a geologist, I can certainly tell you that unknown antediluvian all-terrain vehicles drove around Central Turkey some 12-to-14 million years ago,” he said.
Koltypin is pretty confident that the ruts were created by vehicles used by a non-human civilisation. “We are not talking about human beings,” he asserted. “We are dealing with some kind of cars or all-terrain vehicles. I think we are seeing the signs of the civilisation which existed before the classic creation of this world. Maybe the creatures of that pre-civilisation were not like modern human beings.” He also added that mainstream scientists wouldn’t agree with his theory because “it would ruin all their classic theories.”

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