Monday, August 31, 2015

5 Dos To Handle Your Break-Up Like An Adult

Previously, we talked about the donts, here are the Do’s

1. Cut Yourself Some Slack
Don’t make an unhappy situation worse. There’s no point in blaming yourself or calling yourself stupid. (You’re not.) You’re just a sucker for romance, and that’s worth knowing.
2. Learn From The Experience
Your ex’s bad behavior is their responsibility, not yours. Still, your responsibility is that you were too trusting, too soon. The lesson is to take things slowly next time and pay attention to the signs along the way. Take the time to review the situation and spot the warning signs you overlooked in the heat of the moment so you don’t miss them next time.
3. Start Seeing Yourself As Precious
Let’s face it, you didn’t really believe you were special, and they didn’t either. You were delighted — even grateful — to have them. You may have asked yourself, Am I worthy of them? Chances are, you didn’t seriously ask yourself, Is this person worthy of me?
4. Set Ground Rules
Next time around, what standards will you expect someone to meet in terms of behavior and not appearance? What are you really looking for? It’s not good enough to have a shopping list of things you don’t want. Be clear about exactly how that person deserves the privilege of getting close to you is.
5. Rejoice
Anyone who ghosts you doesn’t have a loving, generous honorable heart. In reality, they’re cruel, casual and hurtful. (They’re also VERY immature, and you’re better off without that.) Please don’t tell yourself that inside that hurtful person there’s a really sweet, loving person just waiting to get out — that’s called projection. You shouldn’t have to dig for what you want. It makes much more sense to hold out for the right person for you who’s loving and caring to the core.
The Ghost did you a FAVOR, leaving way to clear for the right person.