Tuesday, August 04, 2015

7 Fantastic Reasons To Add Sea Salt To Your Beauty Routine

Sea salt has been an essential ingredient of the beauty regime of many brides. For those who do not know much about this wonderful natural product, the difference between the sea salt and the common salt is that the latter is heavily processed. On the other hand, the sea salt is made by simply evaporating the sea water. Laden with numerous minerals, such as sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium, the sea salt just works wonders to naturally enhance the beauty of a woman.

Just read on to know the reasons as well as the ways to add sea salt to your beauty regime.
#1. Use as a body scrub
The grains of the sea salt act as the natural exfoliant and the minerals present in it makes the skin softer. So, instead of experimenting with a new cosmetic product just a few days before your wedding, go for this simple yet effective homemade exfoliator. Mix quarter cup of sea salt with half a cup of olive oil. Massage your arms, legs, feet and face gently with this mix to get rid of the dead skin in the most natural way.
#2. Acts as a facial toner
Sea salt helps your facial skin breathe freely as it deeply cleanses your pores. Simply mix one teaspoon sea salt with half a cup of warm water. Using a cotton ball, apply this solution on your entire face except the area surrounding your eyes. Apply this daily to get a glowing face.
#3. Helps in relaxing swollen feet
Those long sessions of standing or dancing in the high heels might just leave you with aching and swollen feet. So, to relieve yourself from this pain, take lukewarm water in a tub and add equal amount of baking soda and sea salt into it. Put your feet into this mix for about 10 to 15 minutes and you will feel very relieved after you take them out of the tub.
#4. Use as nail brightener
Sea salt is also very effective in making your nails brighter and healthier. Just mix one teaspoon each of sea salt, baking soda and lemon juice with half a cup of warm water. Now, soak your nails in this mix for about eight to ten minutes followed by gentle scrubbing with a soft brush. This process will remove dust from your nails, and will make them softer as well as brighter.
#5. For conditioning of hair
Contrary to the popular belief that salt is harmful for hair, the minerals present in it are actually very beneficial for their health. Just mix a small amount of sea salt in your hair oil and apply it on the scalp as well the hair strands. Keep if for about 20 minutes. It will make your hair more voluminous, shinier and bouncier. Additionally, it will help you to get rid of dandruff.
#6. Acts as teeth whitener
If you thought that the benefits of sea salt are restricted only to your skin or hair, then here is something for you. It also helps you to pose for your album, with a beautiful smile. Yes, it is true! Salt helps in removing the stains from your teeth and also makes them whiter. Just add one teaspoon salt to two teaspoons of baking soda and use a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth with this homemade tooth powder. Brush your teeth daily with this powder once to get a beautiful bright smile before your wedding.
#7. Helps in proper sleep
Too much of work and nervousness often leads to improper sleep, which of course, is not at all healthy for her skin. So, to give yourself a beauty sleep, consume sea salt before you go to the bed. Many researches have proved that salt is very effective in lowering the stress levels. Additionally, it helps in raising the oxytocin levels in your body. It is an anti-stressing hormone that helps you to feel relaxed and calm. You can drink a mix of 1/8th teaspoon of sea salt and a glass of water before sleeping. Another way to take sea salt to help you sleep well is by mixing it into your vegetable salad.
So, don’t you think it is time to bring the sea salt out of your kitchen and get more benefits out of it? Well, if you ask us, then you certainly must bring it out from there, and get gorgeous naturally.

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