Thursday, July 30, 2015

Sleeping Woman Rolls Over In Bed, Falls Out From Third Floor Window

A woman was seriously injured after falling out from a third floor window during her sleep, according to court documents in Oregon. Now, 23-year-old Shelbi Macholz has filed a $230,000 lawsuit against the management company of her apartment, claiming that they failed to install window guards, which would have prevented her fall.

According to Scoop, Macholz named Principle Property Management, in her lawsuit filed on Monday at the Lane County Circuit Court. Macholz suffered fractures to her pelvis and lower back. According to the lawsuit, Macholz fell from the apartment around 5:00 a.m. She was taken to the Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center and then to the Legacy Emanuel Medical Center for treatments.
She was given painkillers, blood clotting agents and other drugs. Macholz wants $80,000 for medical expenses and $150,000 for pain, suffering and interference with the ability to enjoy life.