Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Archbishop Desmond Tutu Back In South Africa Hospital

South Africa’s Archbishop Desmond Tutu has returned to hospital just a week after being discharged, BBChas reported.

He has what has only been described as a “persistent infection” which his foundation says is unrelated to the prostate cancer he has had for 15 years.
Archbishop Tutu retired from public life in 2011 but continues to travel. The 83-year-old Nobel peace laureate cancelled a planned trip to Rome in December following another infection.
  • Born 1931
  • 1970s: Became prominent as apartheid critic
  • 1984: Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
  • 1986: First black Archbishop of Cape Town
  • 1995: Appointed head of Truth and Reconciliation Commission
  • Become a fierce critic of South Africa’s ANC
  • Supports assisted dying for the terminally ill