Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Prison Inmate Disguises As Soon To Be Released Cellmate, Gets Released Instead

A prison inmate managed to escape from his cell after guards came to release his cellmate, police in Canada said.

London police said that the prisoner was released on Wednesday, after allegedly posing as his cellmate, who was about to be released because he had completed serving his sentence. Police were called to the Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre after it was discovered that the 19-year-old prisoner had been released by mistake.
According to the police investigation, Justin Kunz altered his appearance to resemble that of his cellmate and stepped forward when correctional officers came to free the other man.
It is also alleged that the inmate threatened his cellmate and told him to stay quiet when correctional officers came to release him. Police are looking for the escapee, but so far, he is still at large. He was jailed after being convicted of gun possession.