Sunday, October 18, 2015

Typhoon Koppu Smashes Into The Philippines

Powerful Typhoon Koppu has hit the northern Philippines, battering the coast with powerful winds that have killed at least two people and displaced some 10,000, according to the national disaster agency. Aljazeera reports:

The storm hit the main Philippines island of Luzon, where it flattened homes and brought down bridges and trees on Sunday. Forecasters warned that the storm could last up to three days.  “The situation is very difficult for many communities who are trapped at the moment,” said Al Jazeera’s Jamela Alindogan, adding that the death toll may rise when authorities are able to access these areas.
“There is a lot of worry about security and safety.”  The eye of Koppu struck the remote coastal town of Casiguran, 215km northeast of Manila around 4am on Sunday (20:00 GMT Saturday) with gusts of up to 210 km/h, the state weather service said.
Flights have been cancelled and there are widespread power outages across the region as electricity cables snapped due to the powerful winds.  No casualties have been reported so far.

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