Tuesday, October 20, 2015

5-Year-old Girl And Toddler Gang-defiled In India

The disturbing growing r*pe cases involving very young children in India has prompted calls from different quarters for authorities in India to do more to stop them. According to CNN, two teenagers, aged 16 and 17, were arrested Sunday for the alleged abduction and r*pe of a two-and-a-half year old girl, who went missing from outside her home in Western Delhi.

“The girl was first abducted in front of her house, then she was taken to a park nearby where she was defiled,” deputy police commissioner Pushpendar Kumar said. In another development, Independent, UK reports that a toddler and a five-year-old girl are in hospital after being gang defiled in separate attacks in India’s capital city.
The two-year-old girl was found lying unconscious and bleeding in a park by her family three hours after she went missing in a western suburb of Delhi. Police said she had been playing outside her home on Friday evening when there was a power cut in the area and she was reportedly abducted by two men on a motorbike. Three people have been arrested in connection with the r*pe, joint commissioner Sanjay Beniwal told CNN. He said that the r*pe was committed by one of the men in the presence of two of the arrested.
The three accused and the girl’s family were co-tenants, Beniwal added. These latest incidents come within one week of a four-year-old being defiled, again in the capital. In that case, police have arrested one man for the alleged r*pe. r*pe is the fastest growing crime in India, but still remains under-reported, according to the a US report on human right violations released on Friday.

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