Tuesday, October 06, 2015

PHOTOS, VIDEO: Men And Women Take Off Their Clothes To Combat s*xual Violence

“My body. My terms,” is a slogan of a campaign aimed at combating s*xual violence, victim blaming and rising awareness among victims of abuse around the world.

New Zealand media company Villainesse  has launched #MyBodyMyTerms campaign to start a global conversation about s*xual violence and the importance of consent.
The video called to hit back at society’s understanding of s*xual abuse shows undressed men and women with the words “My body, my terms” written on different parts of their bodies.
They tell their own stories or just state personal opinions about se*uality, consent, revenge P0*n and r*pe culture. They also remind everyone that it’s only your right to decide what you do or do not do with your bodies.
“I respect myself and I deserve to be respected.” “Having safe, consensual s*x doesn’t make me a slut.” “My choice of clothing is not an invitation to assault or r*pe me.” “If she chooses to drink alcohol it doesn’t make her responsible for the criminal actions of others.”
Lizzie Marvelly, Villainesse editor and creator of #MyBodyMyTerms, said: “I think that it’s really important that we talk openly about these issues. If we can start to remove some of the taboos around these controversial subjects, hopefully we can create a space for open and honest discussion.”
Watch video:

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