Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Israel Razes Attackers’ Homes As Unrest Spreads

Israel has razed a pair of homes belonging to the families of two Palestinians who attacked Israelis last year, according to witnesses and media reports. Israeli authorities demolished the home of Ghassan Abu Jamal during the early hours of Tuesday. Another home, belonging to Muhammad Jaabis, was also flattened. Both were located in occupied East Jerusalem. Aljazeera has more:

Along with his cousin Uday, Abu Jamal killed four rabbis and a policeman during an attack on a synagogue in West Jerusalem in November before being shot dead by police on the scene.
Jaabis was also fatally shot by police after he drove a bulldozer into a bus on August 4, leaving one Israeli dead and wounding several others. Israeli forces cordoned off a room in a third house, belonging to Muataz Hijazi, a Palestinian who shot and critically wounded Israeli activist Yehuda Glick in October 2014.
Hijazi, 32, was killed by police on the roof of his home as officers raided it just hours after the shooting. The demolitions come on the back of Benjamin Netanyahu’s announcement that Israel will implement harsh security measures in order to quell growing unrest in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

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