Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Seahawk’s DJ Banned From Playing Future’s Songs Because Of Ciara’s Boyfriend

Official DJ for the Seahawk Seattle American football team has stated that it’s impossible for him to play any songs from  Future’s ‘DS2′ album in the pitch or at their after-parties because of Ciara’s current boyfriend, Russell Wilson.

In a recent interview with Billboard, DJ DV One said  his playlist during practices and workout are restricted because the team wants to listen to Future’s Dirty Sprite 2, but with Russell as their Quarter Back and Ciara as his main squeeze (and Future’s ex-squeeze) it poses as conflict of interest.
“I’ve been getting a lot of requests for Future. But that dynamic is weird too, because I can barely play Future with Ciara running around and that’s her baby’s dad. It’s just that he has a dope-a*s album out right now, players like to hear it, it definitely gets you pumped up — even though it’s low-tempo, it’s still stuff that you want to hear — and then you’ve got Ciara running up with little baby Future and she’s dating Russell so it’s like, “Oh f—” DV explained
DJ DV One also said he feels uncomfortable playing some of Ciara’s older music now, despite playing it before, because he doesn’t want people to think of it as favoritism.
“I also feel weird playing Ciara, because I was playing Ciara before she started dating Russell. I’d play “Goodies” and stuff like that for the crowd because it’s good music that white people know — it’s dance-y music, it’s popular, it’s stuff that you can get away with playing. Now that she’s dating Russell, I don’t want people to be like, ‘He’s just playing that because she’s dating Russell,'” says DJ DV One.

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