Monday, June 01, 2015

6 Easy Ways To Keep Your v**ina SUPREMELY Happy (And Healthy)
After all, she IS your pride and joy!

When was the last time you thought about … how your v**ina is feeling?
Does that seem like a crazy question? It’s not! And here’s why …

With your never ending daily to-do list, you don’t give your v**ina the attention she needs.

Discomfort, pain, itching and burning are your v**ina’s way of communicating that she needs some tender loving care. But numbness is another way she lets you know she’s feeling neglected.
And this matters because — when your v**ina isn’t happy, neither are you.

Long before menopause you can experience changes in your vaginal health because of stress, side effects of medication, as well as hormonal changes. These changes occur in your early 20s and 30s, as well as into your 40s and beyond.

They also affect the vitality of the tissue, lining and walls of your v**ina. The lining, which once protected your vaginal walls and tissue, thins as you lose estrogen, which causes discomfort in the forms of pain, tissue tearing, and dryness (which in addition to affecting general comfort, obviously impairs s*xual pleasure, as well).

The good news is, there are simple things you can start doing now to keep your v**ina healthy and happy. No matter what your age, it’s never too early (or too late) to start taking care of your v**ina — here are six simple ways to do so:

1. Work Out!
Kegels are exercises you can do anytime/anywhere that strengthen your v**ina muscles; keeping them strong supports you in enjoying s*x more, having more intense orgasms and hopefully not developing incontinence later in life.
You can do Kegels while you’re watching television, driving (a great way to kill time at red lights), and even working on your computer — so there’s NO EXCUSE.

2. Go Commando Or Au Cotton — Your Choice!
Wear cotton paneled underwear or pop Go Commandos cotton patches into your pants. If you don’t like underwear or want to let your v**ina breathe while feeling cleanly, the Go Commandos patch is the next best thing to wearing nothing at all. Your v**ina will love the freedom!
Why does breathability matter? Synthetic fabrics that don’t allow your v**ina to breathe lead to trapped moisture and irritation which leads to infection. It’s no surprise that yeast infections are so common today.

3. Self-Pleasure is Self Care.
A survey conducted by Cosmopolitan found that women are severely climax deficient. So ladies, make sure you know how to please yourself so you’re always taken care of, knowing your body and what makes you feel good is a win-win!

4. Ditch Toxic Bath Products
Use only organic products in your bath. Make sure the soap and bathing products you use do not contain ingredients that could be harmful to the delicate tissue and lining in your v**ina.
When you sit in the tub, anything that is in the water ends up in your v**ina. Toxic chemicals in your bath can dramatically affect your v**ina PH which leads to a variety of unpleasant issues.

5. Use Natural Products
In the same vein, wash your underwear with natural detergent. An itchy v**ina could be caused by the ingredients in your laundry detergent. Get rid of the toxic ingredients and the itchiness too.
Also, without fail — use an organic s*xual lubricant!
I can’t stress this enough! Your v**ina has NO filter and so many of the lubricants on the market today contain toxic ingredients such as: parabens, propylene glycol, artificial sweeteners, glycerin and more — which can cause issues with reproduction, the PH balance of your v**ina, and lead to a myriad of disease, including Cancer.
s*x b*tter is an organic s*xual lubricant that lubricates and enhances s*xual desire while maintaining a healthy PH balance. The ingredients are plant-based (no petroleum oils) which are healthy for your most delicate parts, inside and out.

6. Clean Out the Toy Chest
s*x toys are NOT regulated. If you are using or have any s*x toys that are porous, made of PVC, contain Phthalates, are jelly in texture, and/or smell like chemicals beware that they are harmful to your body.
Get rid of them immediately. They contain toxins and chemicals are highly harmful to your v**ina and are known to cause infection and serious disease.
If you haven’t considered your v**ina’s health, in a long time … NOW is a great time to start.
The sooner you start caring for your v**ina the better the odds you’ll have a happy and healthy v**ina. With women living longer lives, issues not recognized by women in past generations are now extremely relevant and important today.

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