Monday, June 29, 2015

22-Year-Old Woman Falls In Love With Her Mother’s Husband, Runs Away With Him

Police are looking to find a woman and her stepfather after they ran away together as a couple, police in Kenya said. 36-year-old Caroline Achieng of Kibera, told detectives that her husband has cut off all contact with her after running away with her 22-year-old daughter.

According to Odd News Blog, the husband and daughter skipped town after Achieng learned that they were having s*x behind her back. The daughter even became pregnant and underwent an abortion.
Achieng said that her husband tricked her into paying for her daughter’s abortion, claiming that she suffered from stomach ulcers and had to be treated at a hospital in Kijabe. Achieng appealed to the public for information about the whereabouts of her husband and daughter.