Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Suave Broadcaster Becomes A Grandfather | Photo

Screenshot 2015-06-30 at 4.53.22 PM
Being a father makes one really happy and when you now become a grandfather you will feel on top of the world. That is the way the latest and funky grandfather is in.
Many were caught unawares when veteran broadcaster and media personality, Dayo Adeneye popularly known as D1 announced that he is already a grandfather.

Rihanna Calls Karrueche Childish For Breaking Up With Chris Brown

New reports from a reliable source to Rihanna, claim that she believes Karrueche Tran is being ‘Childish and tackish’ for dumping Chris Brown.

IK Ogbonna And Sonia Morales’ Weds!!! Checkout Exclusive Photos

The couple officially tied the knot today in Serbia. Congrats to them. See more photos below…

REVENGE: For Disliking His Girlfriend, Teen Kills Mom’s Chicken Every 15minutes Until She Like Her

An Alabama teenager was arrested Thursday after he followed through on a bizarre threat to kill his mother’s chicken unless she mended the relationship between him and his girlfriend. Fox 13 has more:

Husband Shoots Wife For Lowering The Volume Of His Music Player

A man was jailed after he shot his wife for turning down the volume of his music player. The husband of England, was sentenced to 30 months in prison after he shot his wife with a BB gun and then threatened to cut her throat because she turned down the volume of the music. Odd News Blog reports:

Terrible Odour From Fridge Sends 10 To Hospital At University Of Kentucky

Almost a dozen people at University of Kentucky were hospitalized after taking a whiff of something inside a fridge. ABC news reported a hazardous material team deployed to the university to assist workers who complained of nausea and irritation in the eyes and on the skin after opening a refrigerator inside the Dimock Animal Pathology building. UPI has more:

North Korean Dictator, Kim Jong Un Executes Airport Architect Because He Dislikes The Design

North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un has executed the chief architect of the new international Pyongyang airport…This news comes after he was pictured touring the building with his wife last week.
According to reports, the architect was executed because Kim didn’t like the design.
The project is the country’s latest bid to appeal to potential tourists since Kim ascended to power in North Korea three years ago and features a jewellery store, coffee bar, a pharmacy, a chocolate fountain and other luxury amenities.

80-Year-Old Man Charged For defiling A Chicken

A partially blind 80-year-old man was arraigned in a Narok Court on Thursday where he was charged with defiling a chicken.
Scoop reports

North Korean Dictator, Kim Jong Un Executes Airport Architect Because He Dislikes The Design

North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un has executed the chief architect of the new international Pyongyang airport…This news comes after he was pictured touring the building with his wife last week.
According to reports, the architect was executed because Kim didn’t like the design.
The project is the country’s latest bid to appeal to potential tourists since Kim ascended to power in North Korea three years ago and features a jewellery store, coffee bar, a pharmacy, a chocolate fountain and other luxury amenities.

Mum Who Killed 2 Of Her Own Kids Admits, Says She Feels No Remorse

Remember the story about the mother who killed two of her children and left their bodies in her kitchen freezer? Well, she  has pleaded guilty to their murders saying she feels no remorse for killing them. She said: “I don’t feel no remorse for the death of them demons.”

15-Year-Old SSS Student Commits Suicide In Imo

A 15-year-old senior secondary school student, identified as Paschal Egbosimba, last weekend committed suicide at Uratta in Owerri North local council area of Imo State. Vanguard gathered that the deceased, who hailed from Ntueke, Ideato South local government  area of the state, was living with his mother and siblings around Toronto Junction, Uratta, before the incident. Read the rest as reported by Vanguard Newspaper:

Indonesian Military Plane Crash Kills Over 110

At least 113 people have been killed after an Indonesian air force C-130 plane crashed in a residential neighbourhood in the city of Medan on the northern island of Sumatra, according to military officials.Aljazeera reports:

UN: South Sudan Army defiled Girls And Burned Them Alive

UN has accused South Sudan’s army of defiling and then burning girls alive inside their homes during its recent campaign, a report by its mission in the country said. The statement, published on Tuesday, warned the recent upsurge in fighting had been marked by a “new brutality and intensity”. Aljazeera reports:

New Ebola Case Marks Disease’s Return To Liberia

The body of a dead Liberian man has tested positive for Ebola – the country’s first reported case since it was declared free of the disease.
According to the BBC, 

Japan Bullet Train ‘Self-immolation’ Fire Kills Two

A man has died after setting himself on fire on board a Japanese Shinkansen bullet train. Another passenger, a woman in her 50s, was also killed and more than 20 injured, two seriously. Witnesses said the man, reportedly aged 71, had poured fuel over himself in the first carriage of the train and used a lighter to ignite it. BBC has more:

Large Explosion Hits Afghanistan Capital, Kabul

A powerful blast targeted at a NATO military convoy in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul, wounding 19 people, including women and children, officials said. The blast on Tuesday came on the main road to the airport, around 500m from the US embassy and near a base for foreign troops. Aljazeera was there:

PHOTOS: Meet The White Woman Who For 70 Years Believed She Was Black

Her whole life, this 70-year-old woman believed she was black until one day she decided to find the information about her biological parents.
Verda Byrd was born in September 1942, into a family of 10 children. When her father left them and mother fell ill, she was removed from home and adopted by Ray and Edwinna Wagner. The couple raised her as their only child and all her life the woman believed she is light-skinned African American.

5 Questions You NEED To Ask Before Staying “Friends” With Your Ex

Happy couple
Are you holding on to a friendship that doesn’t really exist?
I’ll go right ahead and say it: I’m not a fan of staying friends with your ex. I always recommend a clean break. Unless you’re co-parenting, have a business together, or some other form of commitment to one another outside of your romantic relationship, you should just let your exes go.

I do understand that in some cases your ex is a wonderful person who you cherish and that letting go of the friendship you have together is really hard. You may fancy yourself a friendly person and believe that you can still add value to each others’ lives, even without the romantic attachment.
While in some rare cases this is true, for most, a friendship with your ex keeps a door open to a possible reconnection. Opposite-s*x friendships are complex enough. Having to maintain a friendship with someone who you’ve been emotionally and physically connected to just makes it more complicated.
If you’ve recently gotten into a new relationship (or are generally considering keeping an ex as a friend), you may want to ask yourself the questions below to figure out if you really are “just friends.”
1. Does The Ex Still Give You b*tterflies?
Let’s start with the basics. You know the feeling you get when someone texts you and you get excited? Or when you see someone who you haven’t seen in a while? That feeling of b*tterflies in your stomach or your heart sinking into your chest? Or how about when you have that feeling of attraction to someone that just physically pulls you to them?
If you’re still having those physical sensations towards your ex, you are not just friends.
2. How Authentic Are You In Your Friendship With The Ex?
You know how, when you talk to a friend, you give them the low down on your life? When you share with them authentically, nothing is off topic.
So ask yourself. Do you share with your ex the same way that you share with your friends or do you omit some details? Are you omitting details because you’re being sensitive to their feelings or because you feel guilty?
If you’re not authentically sharing your life with an ex, they’re not your friend.
3. Would You Introduce Your Ex To Your Current Partner?
This one is a biggie. All of my real friends have met my partner. We go to friends’ birthday parties together or we’ll meet out for drinks because, again, when you’re authentic about your life, there’s nothing to hide.
If you don’t think you can introduce your current partner to an ex who you consider a friend, you and the ex are not just friends.
4. Is The Ex Your Back Up Plan?
Is there some part of you that considers your ex a plan B? We all have that person who we know is always an option. Maybe you’re keeping your options open just in case.
If that is the case, you and the ex are not just friends. If there’s even a glimmer of hope that you could one day rekindle your relationship, they’re not your friend. They’re a distraction.
5. Do You And Your Ex Behave As Friends?
When you move on, are they genuinely happy for you? Are you happy for them when they meet someone new? When you do share with them about someone new, do they get emotional, angry or defensive? Can you depend on their support for you? Is the relationship one sided? If you got drunk would you sleep with them? If they got married would you attend the wedding?
Everyone’s definition of friendship is different. After all, Facebook has given a whole new meaning to the term and you can now be “friends” with a total stranger. But to me, friendship means that you are there for one another, honest with one another and share in each other’s life.

Let’s Put The Date Back Into Dating: The 4 Stages To A Successful Courtship

Call me old-fashioned, but I think it’s time we put the “date” back in dating!

Dating is more complicated these days because singles have replaced talking with texting, going out with hanging out, and romance with rushing to hook up.
So I’m asking the men: Please step up and lead the way. Now I know the sisters have some work to do to be better dates, and don’t worry, I have some tips to give them in the next article. But fellas, the sisters have been telling me how you’ve been acting on dates. It’s some crazy, jaw-dropping stuff! We can do better.
Let’s start at the beginning and move through the different stages of courtship.
Make a good first impression.
If you’re using online dating to meet women, please know that every sister on these sites isn’t there to hook up! And please, don’t say you’re looking for a serious relationship when you’re not. The sisters don’t appreciate you wasting their time.
They also don’t want to see photos of you in your sweaty gym clothes or with your arm around another sister, standing on the altar at church! Who is that woman? The sister can’t tell if she’s your ex-girlfriend or the pastor’s wife!
You’re on a dating site, so please put your best foot forward. The sisters are thinking about what a date with you would be like and you in that all-purple suit you wore on Easter ain’t cutting it!
Take some professional photos, hire an image consultant who can make sure your swag is on point and use casual selfies of you in your bathroom sparingly. You’ve only got a few seconds to impress a lady online. Don’t waste them.
Be present on a date
Now that you’ve gotten her attention, ask her out on a date. Don’t text her and say, “You want to hang out?” Pick up the phone and make the call. She’ll be so impressed because most men don’t do that anymore.
Once you’re on the date, put away your smartphone please. I’ve heard stories from sisters that some guys check their text messages all night and then brag about it with lines like, “Yeah, you know, these women be blowing up my phone!” She’s not impressed by the fact that your iPhone is filled with women’s phone numbers. It doesn’t make her want you more. It’s a turn off.
Instead of checking social media, focus on your date.
Give her eye contact, smile, and show her you’re interested in her. Remember, the way to woman’s heart is through her ears. Compliment her and show her a good time.
Slow down
I’m appalled at the number of stories I’ve been hearing about men who are rushing to get women in the bed. Some wait until date number three and tell the woman, “Isn’t that why everyone is online? To hook up!” Others just come right out and ask for what they want on the first date.
I don’t advocate s*x before marriage anyway, but really ya’ll? What happened to romance? Holding hands? Talking all night on the phone until one of you falls asleep? Going for ice cream dates or giving her flowers when you meet her for dinner. Romance is not old-fashioned! Please pay attention to a woman’s heart and stop putting all the focus on her body. The sisters are feeling used. Let her know, guys, that Black women matter by treating her with respect and honor!
Be honest.
Instead of disappearing on a woman after you told her you’d call, or vanishing into thin air after you’ve been seeing each other for a few months, never to return her text messages again, please just be honest. If you don’t want to see her again, just say it. It goes something like this: “Things aren’t working out. I think you’re great, but it’s just not a match. I think we should part ways.”
You leave the sisters hurt and confused when you just disappear, and I know that you are a better man than that.
Listen, brothers. I know that you’re tired of the games women have played in relationships and you’ve been burned by bad dates too. You’re expected to pay for all of the dates and if they don’t result in anything worthwhile, you can feel like it’s not worth it to be a gentleman.
But I’m begging you, please bring back the date into dating.
The women are losing their faith in you. They don’t think there are men out there who are serious about relationships. Prove them wrong! And besides, there’s another generation watching you. We need you to be leaders and leave a great legacy for young men to follow.

6 Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About Condoms

For a very long time, co ndoms have been known to be highly preferred for safe intimacy and s exual relationship.

However, quite a lot of people do not know some important things about co ndoms, how it came about and some shocking things that surrounds its usage. Here are 6 things you never knew about co ndoms.
1. Only 5% Of Men Around The World Wear co ndoms
Although it is a general belief that a co ndom helps in safe intimacy, it is, however, surprising that only 5% of men around the world use it. This percentage is really low considering the goal is 100%.
2. There Are Four Different Kinds Of co ndoms
The commonest of all the types of co ndoms is the latex. For men with allergies, non-latex co ndoms are made from polyurethane. For those who are allergic to both latex and polyurethane, the third type is made of polyisoprene. Then there are lambskin co ndoms, which are actually made from lamb intestines, not skin. Finally, you can always pick up female co ndoms, which function drastically differently but are still designed to protect against pregnancy and STIs.
3. Modern co ndoms Are Made From Tires
All thanks to Charles Goodyear for the first rubber vulcanisation process produced in 1855. Ever wondered why the present-day latex co ndoms are sometimes called “rubbers” by people like your grandfather and carnival barkers? It is because it was produced from tires.
4. co ndoms Basically Have Not Been Redesigned Since They Were Invented
Since the evolution of the first co ndom in the 1920s, it has never been redesigned despite all the advances made with bumps and ridges. It has been the way it was first produced.
5. co ndoms (On Average) Do Not Really Affect How Good The s ex Is
For those who think co ndom affect how good a s exual experience is, it is a fallacy. Surveys have shown that couples were just as satisfied with s ex whether or not they used co ndoms. So considering co ndoms are 98% effective at preventing pregnancy and make s ex more safer, “it doesn’t feel good” isn’t an excuse not to use one.
6. Women Account For Almost Half Of co ndom Sales
A popular survey has shown that women buy more co ndoms than men. This means the women buy for their men than men buy for themselves. Women account for at least 40% of co ndom sales. Which is good, because you should pretty much always have them at hand.

Let’s Put The Date Back Into Dating: The 4 Stages To A Successful Courtship

Call me old-fashioned, but I think it’s time we put the “date” back in dating!

Dating is more complicated these days because singles have replaced talking with texting, going out with hanging out, and romance with rushing to hook up.
So I’m asking the men: Please step up and lead the way. Now I know the sisters have some work to do to be better dates, and don’t worry, I have some tips to give them in the next article. But fellas, the sisters have been telling me how you’ve been acting on dates. It’s some crazy, jaw-dropping stuff! We can do better.
Let’s start at the beginning and move through the different stages of courtship.
Make a good first impression.
If you’re using online dating to meet women, please know that every sister on these sites isn’t there to hook up! And please, don’t say you’re looking for a serious relationship when you’re not. The sisters don’t appreciate you wasting their time.
They also don’t want to see photos of you in your sweaty gym clothes or with your arm around another sister, standing on the altar at church! Who is that woman? The sister can’t tell if she’s your ex-girlfriend or the pastor’s wife!
You’re on a dating site, so please put your best foot forward. The sisters are thinking about what a date with you would be like and you in that all-purple suit you wore on Easter ain’t cutting it!
Take some professional photos, hire an image consultant who can make sure your swag is on point and use casual selfies of you in your bathroom sparingly. You’ve only got a few seconds to impress a lady online. Don’t waste them.
Be present on a date
Now that you’ve gotten her attention, ask her out on a date. Don’t text her and say, “You want to hang out?” Pick up the phone and make the call. She’ll be so impressed because most men don’t do that anymore.
Once you’re on the date, put away your smartphone please. I’ve heard stories from sisters that some guys check their text messages all night and then brag about it with lines like, “Yeah, you know, these women be blowing up my phone!” She’s not impressed by the fact that your iPhone is filled with women’s phone numbers. It doesn’t make her want you more. It’s a turn off.
Instead of checking social media, focus on your date.
Give her eye contact, smile, and show her you’re interested in her. Remember, the way to woman’s heart is through her ears. Compliment her and show her a good time.
Slow down
I’m appalled at the number of stories I’ve been hearing about men who are rushing to get women in the bed. Some wait until date number three and tell the woman, “Isn’t that why everyone is online? To hook up!” Others just come right out and ask for what they want on the first date.
I don’t advocate s*x before marriage anyway, but really ya’ll? What happened to romance? Holding hands? Talking all night on the phone until one of you falls asleep? Going for ice cream dates or giving her flowers when you meet her for dinner. Romance is not old-fashioned! Please pay attention to a woman’s heart and stop putting all the focus on her body. The sisters are feeling used. Let her know, guys, that Black women matter by treating her with respect and honor!
Be honest.
Instead of disappearing on a woman after you told her you’d call, or vanishing into thin air after you’ve been seeing each other for a few months, never to return her text messages again, please just be honest. If you don’t want to see her again, just say it. It goes something like this: “Things aren’t working out. I think you’re great, but it’s just not a match. I think we should part ways.”
You leave the sisters hurt and confused when you just disappear, and I know that you are a better man than that.
Listen, brothers. I know that you’re tired of the games women have played in relationships and you’ve been burned by bad dates too. You’re expected to pay for all of the dates and if they don’t result in anything worthwhile, you can feel like it’s not worth it to be a gentleman.
But I’m begging you, please bring back the date into dating.
The women are losing their faith in you. They don’t think there are men out there who are serious about relationships. Prove them wrong! And besides, there’s another generation watching you. We need you to be leaders and leave a great legacy for young men to follow.

MUST READ: Check Out The Deadly Virus Other Than HIV Than Even Condom Can’t Protect You Against!!

Condoms have been hyped as master-protectors against sexually transmitted infections. However, health experts are warning that in as much as condoms significantly decrease transmission rates of the most life-threatening viruses such as HIV and hepatitis B and C, it’s not foolproof.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Egypt Court Sentence 3 To 1year In Prison Over Racy Music Video

An Egyptian court has sentenced three people involved in a racy music video to one year in prison with labor for “inciting debauchery.”
The Associated Press reports that

Dead Cat Mourned, Gets Lavish Funeral In Japan

A Japanese cat which served as the master of a train station for eight years has been mourned by officials at a lavish funeral. The female tortoise-shell cat named Tama attracted international attention when it was awarded the position in 2007.
According to ABC News, 

22-Year-Old Woman Falls In Love With Her Mother’s Husband, Runs Away With Him

Police are looking to find a woman and her stepfather after they ran away together as a couple, police in Kenya said. 36-year-old Caroline Achieng of Kibera, told detectives that her husband has cut off all contact with her after running away with her 22-year-old daughter.

Here’s Blosom, The Tallest Cow To Ever Live [PHOTO]

Blosom - Tallest Cow Guinness World Records 2014 Photo Credit: Kevin Scott Ramos/Guinness World Records
Talk about a moo-ving tribute. Blosom — one “s” — is recognized by Guinness World Records as the tallest cow to have ever lived. Sadly, the giant Holstein, who stood just over 6 feet, 2 inches tall, died May 26 at the age of 13 after suffering an irreparable leg injury. Read more from Scoop:

Meet The ‘World’s Ugliest Dog [PHOTO]

Quasi Modo, whom the owner claims has a back too short for its body, walks on the stage at The World's Ugliest Dog Competition in Petaluma, California on June 20, 2014. Peanut won the competition and was voted the world's ugliest dog.    AFP PHOTO / JOSH EDELSON        (Photo credit should read Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images)
Quasi Modo, whom the owner claims has a back too short for its body, walks on the stage at The World’s Ugliest Dog Competition in Petaluma, California
If you have to be ugly, you might as well be the best at it. A 10-year old, hunchbacked, mixed breed dog named “Quasi Modo” was awarded first place at the World’s Ugliest Dog Competition on Friday, according to a press release for the Petaluma, California, event. Quasi, whose short spine makes her resemble a hyena, “epitomized excellence in ugliness” Chief Judge Brian Sobel said. The designation won $1,500 for her owner.

Solar-powered Plane Makes Second Bid To Cross The Pacific Ocean

A solar-powered plane is making its second bid at a record-breaking flight across the Pacific Ocean. Solar Impulse took off from Nagoya Airfield in Japan at 18:03 GMT on Sunday and is scheduled to land in Hawaii in approximately 120 hours. BBC reports:

Second NY Prison Escapee Caught

Second New York State prison escapee, David Sweat is in custody after being shot by police, US officials report. Convicted murderer Sweat, 35, was shot twice and captured less than two miles (3km) from the Canadian border. BBC reports:

Gaza-bound Flotilla Vessel Seized By Israeli Navy

Israel has boarded and taken over a vessel attempting to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip, officials said. In a statement the Israeli army said on Monday that it did not use force in redirecting the main boat Marianne to the Israeli city of Ashdod. Aljazeera has more:

Taliban Ambush Kills Several Afghan Soldiers

At least 11 Afghan soldiers have been killed in a Taliban ambush in western Afghanistan, officials said, as security forces face their first fighting season without NATO combat support. Aljazeera has more:

Voting Delayed In Burundi Following Attack On Polling Stations

Polling stations in Burundi’s controversial parliamentary and local elections have officially opened, with the climate tense after two months of protests sparked by President Pierre Nkurunziza’s bid for a third term. Aljazeera was there:

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Pete Edochie Denies Alleged Kenyan Love Child

Talented veteran Nollywood star, Pete Edochie has finally broken his silence on a Kenyan, who alleged theThings Fall Apart star is his dad.
In an interview with The Vanguard, Edochie denied fathering a child outside wedlock and said the Kenyan looked more like a cattle rearer to him.

Yvonne Nelson Exposes Cleavage On BET Red Carpet

Famous Ghanaian movie producer and actress, Yvonne Nelson, isn’t the actress with the biggest boobies in the industry.
But that certainly didn’t stop her from showing off her cleavage on the red carpet 2015 BET scheduled to hold later today, Saturday June 27, 2015.

Muma Gee Reveals How She Lost Millions To Her Political Ambition

Famous Nigerian singer turned actress, Muma Gee has spoken about how she lost a lot of money in her political ambition in Rivers State, where she contested for an elective position but lost out in the last general elections.
Muma Gee, who is married and has two kids with Nollywood actor, Prince Eke,