Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Make Money from Your Website

There are countless ways to earn money from your website. Thanks to these diverse ways one can easily make a living as a web master. Read this article through to get a better understanding what are the most profitable ways to monetize your site.


There are several different ways of hosting advertising on your website as a way to generate income. One of the most popular is the Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising method. Google AdSense, Yahoo Publisher Network, Bidvertiser, Chitika, and Clicksor are all examples of this type of network, in which the publisher (you), adds some code snippets to your website which will then generate contextual ads through the network. You will then earn money for every time a viewer clicks on the ad.
CPM, or cost per mille, advertising networks are another popular option, as they don’t depend on viewers clicking on the advertisement. With CPM networks, you earn based on every 1,000 viewers that see the ad. Popular options for CPM Networks include Casale Media, Burst Media, Value Click, Advertising.comTribal Fusion, and Right Media.
The final major advertising method is direct banner advertising – or, selling advertising space on your website yourself. This is advantageous because it allows you to choose your advertisers and deal with them directly, cutting out any commissions and putting you directly in touch with the advertiser. This, however, will consume time and resources to manage the sale of advertising space, and, is often not a viable option for websites without an enormous readership.


An option for a blog or review website is to feature sponsored reviews. This option is a bit tricky, as your revenue comes from writing a positive review about a product, but if you limit sponsored reviews to only products you support in general, it should not affect your editorial credibility. Like advertising, sponsored reviews can be managed independently or through networks such as PayPerPost, Sponsored Reviews, ReviewMe, Blog Vertise, and Smorty.
Another sponsorship option is for single columns or events. If your website has regular, popular features, you could bring in a sponsor to present it – whether it’s a regular event, an interview series, a podcast, or anything else. This is appealing to advertisers as it allows them to target a more specific market, and is appealing to website publishers as a way to monetize something they’re doing anyway.
In addition to these direct methods of monetizing your website, there are a few other more indirect options. For example, you could use your website to promote and sell a related book, generating a commission for every sale. Additionally, you can use your website as a forum to promote a consulting business, or other service related to the content of your website.

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