Saturday, September 19, 2015

Syria Crisis: ‘Deadly Air Raids’ Against IS In Palmyra

Syrian government war planes have launched one of the heaviest bombardments yet on the city of Palmyra, which is held by Islamic State (IS) militants, activists say. About 25 air strikes left at least 26 people dead, including 12 militants, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

IS captured Palmyra, which includes a Unesco World Heritage site, in May. Elsewhere, air strikes on Idlib killed 17 people, the Observatory said. The city of Idlib is a stronghold of an alliance of jihadist and Islamist groups calling itself the Army of Conquest.
Syrian military sources quoted by Reuters have said Syria is using new types of very accurate weapons supplied by its ally, Russia. Earlier on Friday, the US and Russian defence ministers spoke by phone for the first time in more than a year to discuss the crisis.

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