Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Inmate Offers To Donate Bone Marrow To Judge Who Sentenced Him To 25 Years In Prison

A judge said that he was deeply touched by a man who offered to donate blood marrow to him.  Superior Court Judge Carl Fox, 61, is battling blood cancer and he is searching for a bone marrow donor. So far, no match has been found.

However, he was surprised to receive an offer of help from someone he put in jail. Fox was the district attorney who helped convict 62-year-old Charles Alston. Alston, who is serving 25 years for armed robbery at the Franklin Correctional Center, sent a letter to Fox with a very generous offer.
In the letter he wrote: “You were the District Attorney during the course of my trial, where I received a 25 year prison sentence. I know you are in need of a matching donor for bone marrow. I may or may not be a match, but I am willing to make the sacrifice if needed.” Alston said that he is not angry with Fox, as he believes he helped save his life by putting him in jail, where he turned his life around.
Unfortunately, prisoners cannot donate due to increased risk of infectious diseases, but Fox was very appreciative of the gesture. “I was very touched by it and totally surprised,” Fox said.  Fox said that Alston had “every reason to be angry,” and that means even more given the circumstances of their relationship.

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