Friday, September 18, 2015

Chinese Sperm Banks Using iPhone 6s To Attract Donors

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A Chinese sperm bank is attempting to draw in donors with the promise of funds for one of the country’s most hotly anticipated items: The iPhone 6s. Scoop has more:

Renji Hospital in Shanghai is advertising online that donors who pass the health examination and make regular sperm donations can earn up to $940, more than enough to purchase an iPhone 6s, which starts at $649.
“No need to sell your kidneys – you can easily have a 6s,” the hospital said in an online post referencing reports of Chinese men selling their kidneys to raise iPhone money.
The Changjiang Times reports other Chinese sperm banks, including the Hubei Province sperm bank, have been using the iPhone 6s in promotional materials to attract donors.
Chinese iPhone customers have made headlines in the past for the lengths they were willing to go to raise money. A Shanghai student advertised last year that he was willing to rent out his girlfriend for iPhone 6 money, but he specified “no funny business” would be allowed.

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