Monday, May 04, 2015

Top 3 innovative ways to promote your blog on Whatsapp

Founded in 2009, with user strength of 450 million and ever increasing, WhatsApp really is the pioneer in the instant and free messaging services existing in the market. Its most recent acquirement by social-media monster Facebook for $19 billion has made it the most thrashed out mobile app around the sphere. The customer needs only a smartphone and internet connection to use this inventive cross-platform app that
hooks them up to friends and family right away.
If you consider WhatsApp is restricted to sending text messages only, then you are not aware of technology. WhatsApp has transformed the entire model of instant messaging by breaking the ground by its novel features like WhatsApp calling, audio messaging, video messaging, broadcasting, file sharing and thousands of emoticons which translate your heartfelt words into simple and appealing emojis. This revolutionary concept has made WhatsApp immensely lucrative for those who want to prop up their small business, a page, blog or a website.
WhatsApp allows bloggers to run promotions through visuals, mp3 audio also known as voice notes, and videos. You can also target segmented audience in a large group using WhatsApp broadcasts feature. Three of so many ways to promote a blog through WhatsApp are:
  1. WhatsApp Audio Bulk Messages
  2. WhatsApp Video Bulk Messages
  3. Broadcast Messages
WhatsApp Audio Bulk Messages:
Whatsapp allows bloggers to share the stuff with the people of common interests by offering the feature of WhatsApp audio messages. This thing has now gone as simple as ABC which makes it one of the best ways to select and target the preferred audience. You can put short audio messages on air that might aid you to draw attention and provoke interest among the audience. All a blogger needs is to record a catchy and provoking audio clip about the blog, using audio recording feature of the WhatsApp messenger and send that to as many people as he wants. Intended recipients might be your friends, social media fans or any other website followers whose contact details you are somehow aware o
WhatsApp Video Bulk Messages:
Visuals have proved to craft an undying impression and by dint of WhatsApp Video sharing, bloggers can promote their blogs, newsletters, posts, and the possibilities are endless. One of the most beneficial things about WhatsApp is it offers a video file attachment of excessively large size without any glitch. Make short video teasers relevant to your blog and put them on air among the targeted audience. Target audience might be your amigos, social media fans or any other website followers whose contact details you are somehow aware of. Before you publish your next video teaser, make certain that you come up with the one that would attract interest of masses and persuade audience to involve with your blog or its specified posts.
Broadcast Messaging:
Broadcasting is one of the best ways to address a large number of target audiences effortlessly in a realistically small amount of time. Through WhatsApp Broadcast Messaging one can address numerous people of common interest in single attempt.
It goes like 1…2…3… And add as many intended recipients as you want in your broadcast list, add a small description of your blog or its latest posts or just jot down a small catchy phrase regarding your blog and broadcast that among the recipients and send. This way you get better feedback by other bloggers adding them to group chat-room (broadcast-list) that you make. The recipients you add in your broadcast list might be your allies, social media friends or any other website followers whose contact details you are somehow aware of. Another benefit of this feature is there is more probability of your message to create buzz when the target recipients share the content with their contacts in the same manner.

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